After Isolation:
A Future Imagined/Predicted
Bermondsey Project Space, Bermondsey, London | 24th - 29th August 2021
After Isolation gathers 8 women artists from different and mixed ethnicities, mainly based in South London, creating art under the theme of life after the pandemic. The shows exhibition paintings, photography, prints, video and collage works.
These last years, we have been living in intense social and political historical times. It has forced us to be alone by ourselves, with our housemates or family members, living very close to each other and developing another sense and understanding of social interaction. The pandemic of Covid-19 is a global moment that we all experienced in a different way.
This event has dramatically accelerated the foreseeable consequences of our way of living. Piercing through the veil of our fragility, we have finally come to an age of palpable consequences of our society of abundance, and our incredible global interdependence which crucially needs revaluation. This time of pondering will allow us to find a balance and rethink what really matters and most importantly, what we are seeking for the future, whether it be on an individual or global scale.
After Isolation aims to explore the theme of life after the pandemic through different angles: mental health, social and environmental issues. This will study the behaviours of human beings: our capacity to be adaptable and the possibilities of change we can bring to a world that needs so much of it. Artists are sharing with us their vision of a future imagined: a time that brought us to explore outside more, learn and understand each other, from each other but also understand ourselves. A time to work towards a self-reconstruction, accepting all sides of life and grow with it.
Designed by Narrate Studio Ltd
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Featured Artists
Roanna Holmes-Frodsham
Beth Fraser
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